Local scour at bridge pier
scour at rear apron of the dam
Burst the bank of Yallow River at HuaYuanKou
Heilongjiang River at Heihe
Jinshajiang River River Basin
yellow scour and white scour of piglets
He at of detonation at constant volume
living at high altitude and training at low altitude
living at high altitude-training at low
Moment frame beam-to-column connection with HSB at web and welds at flanges
weak pulse at yang but stringy pulse at yin
Bailong River and Tao River forest region
Diverting the Yangtze River to the Han River
drawing water from the Yangtze River into the Yellow River through the middie line
forceful merging of the Yellow River with the Huaihe River
headwater region of Yangtze River and Yellow River
Huaishahe River and Huaijiuhe River